Write the Wrong

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Capital Punishment is Weak

Capital punishment is stupid, and if you believe in it, not only are you stupid, but you also hate Jesus. Yup, that's right, you hate Jesus. First, let's address the stupid part. Here's a basic breakdown of reasons for the death penalty:

1. "It deters crime" - This is the easiest myth to bust. You see, this is the reason the death penalty was re-instated. However, since being re-instated the murder rate has exploded. There are more people on death row then ever. Out of the major countries in the world, we have way more murders than the rest put together.

2. "The person doesn't deserve to live" - Well, if you're talking about the person as a threat to society, this doesn't hold a drop of water. We can very easily remove any threat to society by placing a person in prison for life. At that point the person can no longer pose a threat to anyone, thus, to kill them is excessive and unnecessary. If you mean they just don't deserve to live because they're bad, well that goes into passing judgment, and I'll address that below, you Jesus hater!

3. "It gives peace to the victim's family" - No, it brings revenge to the victim's family. Cold-blooded, rage-inspired revenge. Pure and simple. Nothing can bring back the victims. Nothing can un-do the horrific damage that was done. Killing the guilty simply satisfies a primal, emotional blood-lust.

4. "It costs too much to keep life without parole person alive" - Not true, it costs way more to keep a person on death row. You see the death row inmate will appeal the decision over and over again, and everything they do you have to pay for the judges, the lawyers, everything. This is why when people are sentenced to death, it is sometimes twenty years before they are actually executed.

So, those are the logical / legal reasons to keep the death penalty. With those reasons alone the death penalty should be repealed. But here's why you hate Jesus if you're for the death penalty. Jesus was against the death penalty. He taught nothing but compassion and forgiveness, and this also extended to those being put to death. He forgave the woman who committed adultery and was to be stoned to death. Also, it is completely illogical if you believe in the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" to say to a murderer "Well, you broke this commandment and killed a person, so we will kill you." That makes you as bad as the killer. Even if it is the state that is injecting the lethal needle, if you condone that action, you are enabling that to happen.

Pope John Paul II wrote in 1995, that execution was only appropriate, "in cases of absolute necessity, in other words, when it would not be possible otherwise to defend society. Today, however, as a result of steady improvement in the organization of the penal system, such cases are very rare, if not practically nonexistent."

So, there you have it, if you believe in the death penalty you are a bad Christian, and hate Jesus. Now, you don't hate Jesus, do you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog is weak

9:14 PM

Blogger georgeb said...

too true

2:32 PM


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