Write the Wrong

Thursday, October 27, 2005

DIY Addiction

I have a brand new addiction, DIY shows. I can't seem to get enough of them! Now, I'm not talking about those pansy remodeling shows, or extreme makeover crap. No way, those are the fluff shows. I'm talking about the "This Old House" shows, plumbing shows, and even the remote control hobby shows. It doesn't really matter what it is, I can't help but watch them! I've learned out to do everything from install a supercharger on a hot rod to replacing gutter. Now there is absolutely no way in the world that I will ever need half of this information, yet, I can't seem to help myself. However, I think I've stumbled on the conspiracy. You see, contrary to logic, I bet that general contractors actually really love those shows. It gives the viewer just enough confidence to try a project themselves. I'm willing to be 9 times out of 10 the homeowner screws something up royal, and have to hire in someone to bail them out.

The thing that bothers me about those "Extreme Makeover" shows is that they never show what the life of the family is like a year down the road. They take this poor family that can barely make the mortgage payments on their house, and in turn give them a mansion. This sounds good and all, but even though you just gave them a house, the heating, cooling, insurance, and taxes for this new home are probably enough to finally bankrupt the people. If it were me, and they built me a nice huge house, I'd wait about a month, and then sell it.

Screw Ty.


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