Write the Wrong

Monday, October 24, 2005

Snow, you've got to be kidding!

It's only October! We officially got our first snow here today. Okay, sure, it splashed when it hit the ground, but it was certainly white before it got there! I could not imagine a more miserable day; cold, windy, wet, grey. It was amazing! Don't get me wrong, it was bad, but like all aspects of life it is important to have balance. I know, it is cliche', but I really do believe that we have to have days like this to appriciate the good ones. So, what'd I do today? Curled up and played the latest Tony Hawk game till my fingers ached. All at once it was pathetic and satisfying, but wonderful!

On a different note, do those dating services that promise to match you up with your ideal mate find someone just like you, or do they subscribe to the "oppposites attract" school of thought?


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