Write the Wrong

Sunday, October 23, 2005


So, today is my birthday, and this is the 27th time I've been through it. Does anyone have any good rituals they perform on their birthday? I'll let you in on mine. I take a picture of myself. Yes, every year, starting 6 years ago now, I take what ammounts to a mug shot of myself. My goal is to one day put them all together in a series so I can closely see exactly how I've aged year to year. I think it will be cool to see exactly where I aged, and what events had the most impact.

I think I got the idea from the Abraham Lincoln photos where before the war he looks like a young, happy person:

and after the war, he literally looks like if Booth hadn't shot him, he would have died within days anyway:

That's just 5 years difference! I bet this is why our "war" presedent Bush takes so much vacation, so he won't look like this. Man, it really pisses me off that G.W. even shares the same title as Lincoln once did. The man is truely not worthly. All you people who voted for him, I'm pointing my finger at you!

So, anyone else have any birthday traditions?


Blogger me said...

ey, happy birthday!

6:14 AM


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