People do the Stupidest Things
I never cease to be amazed at just how stupid people can be. Sometimes I'm amazed by the big things like people trampling other people to get the newest toy at Christmas. But most times, I'm faced with the little things. Like people touching something that says "Wet Paint". Or someone smelling something really foul and then turning to their friend and saying, "hey, smell this". My irritation for today was people who come to job interviews that didn't seem to know they were coming to a job interview. Out of several interviews I have given lately I've had several strange applicants... 1. The first person was just downright hostle. 2. Another person just refused to give anything more than one word answers. 3. Another person dressed like they were going to the mall. All that I can assume is that either these people didn't want the job, or they have just really never been told how to interview. You know, sit up straight, be polite, and answer the questions in complete sentences. I would seriously hate to see what some of these folks would do if given power tools.

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