Football is Complicated
I am one of the truely odd few men in the world what was never interested in football when I was younger. I never went to the high school games on Friday night, and I never felt a need to watch the college games.
So, some years have gone by, I'm older, slower, and slightly more bored, and I've started watching professional football. Of course, i really root for my home team, the Bengals, but I like to watch all the teams. The thing is, football is hard. I like to think that I'm a reasonably intelegent person, but geez, there is a lot of rules! The basic concept to the game is deceptively easy. I still don't know all of the positions, what they do, or why, but it's still fun. Those of you who are like I was, give it a shot. Sit down and watch it with a fan, and I think you'll find that anything is interesting if you're watching it with someone who's got enthusiasm.
Yeh, I have watched with a fan and enjoy it, but I'll never understand it either.
2:24 PM
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