Write the Wrong

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I fought it as long as I could

I can't help myself, I'm about to fall into the same niche of every other blogger. That's right I'm going political. No one's commenting on my blurbs, so it's time to piss some people off.

So, for my first topic, let's just go after the big one, President Bush. Could someone please tell me why anyone likes him?

Now, I'm not a Republican, and I can't really consider myself a Democrat. I think I'm like most people and consider myself somewhere in the middle. I judge on an issue by issue basis. My wife is a Republican. Yes, it took me a while to forgive her for supporting Bush in the last election, but even she is getting sick of his shit. It really seems like he's got something to irritate everyone.

Far Right - Although I'm sure they get excited every time he makes comments about religion, they can't like him that much. I mean, he's really just a bad Republican. He goes against most typical Republican Dogma. They are supposed to be for small government, responsible spending, and state's rights. He came into office with one of the largest surpluses in our nation’s history and has created the largest deficit in history. He's created the biggest government ever, and takes every opportunity to try and remove power from the states.

Middle Right - This is basically where my wife would fall. They don't like most of the aspects above, but also cringe every time he makes decisions influenced by his religious beliefs. (Like saying that Harriet Meyers was qualified because of her religion)

Democrats - Well, just about everything he does ticks them off. Irresponsible spending, a long occupation in a hostile country. A baseless war, criminal staff, and all around dim wittedness, all are just toppings to the cake.

So really, what is he doing that people like? What I hate more than anything though is people who like or dislike politicians based solely on what team they are on and what team the person is on. Like people liking Bush because he's a Republican and so are they, or hating him because they are Democrats.


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